Principal's Message

       “Observation more than Books, Experience more than volume of Degrees, makes one a True Educator…”

Welcome to the Arunanchal Public school where our students thrive in a gradual metamorphosis environment of collective pride and achievements.

We enable our students to develop all skills and values for initiative and excellence, confidence and self-esteem, discipline and dedication, integrity and honesty, creativity and exploration.

With this thought in mind, we aim to give the best school experience by continually investing in new and existing facilities, training, technology and services. We set high standards and expect the best for and from our students.

We hold the expectation that all our students will achieve high level of literacy and numeracy upon completion of their educational life journey with us from explorer to 12 standards. We are confident that in new session also the programmes for enhancement of teaching methodologies of teachers, enrichment of minds of students through activities and a meaningful partnership with parents will take us to a greatest height.

Our extensive curriculum schedule of academics, Art and Crafts and club activities offer a commitment to providing a comprehensive school experience.

Diary is a very useful medium for not only checking homework, it is also carrying the reflection of regular attention into study of every student and it helps to establish a very good relation among student, teacher and Parent. I would like to request to all the parents to make this Diary checking and writing process as a regular habit for cultivating a caring sense towards new brains.

 I believe “A teacher is a great designer who put colors in a very positive and interesting way into the mind of the child and nourish them to become a lifelong knowledge-seeker.

Thus with the joint efforts of all staff members and parents, I look forward for a very gratifying future and outstanding results of all the students.

Wishing you an exciting and enriching year ahead.